Saturday, February 28, 2009

Proud Mommy-Part 2

Last year almost this exact same time, I posted a drawing Kailey did of me. It was the first time she actually drew something that was recognizable and it was a huge deal. I couldn't believe she was about to turn 3. This year went so fast and now I am just one month from her 4th Birthday. Yesterday she came home from school with two projects that reminded me how I felt when she drew that first picture last year. The first one is Umbrella Bird (zoo phonics :) She never colors, only draws all the time. I didn't even really know if she could stay in the lines, or even if she new that was the goal of coloring. When I saw this picture I was amazed. I think she made such a beautiful Umbrella Bird. The next is a trace sheet for her name. Her class just started working on these, and I love to watch how serious she traces her letters. It is so cool to see her handwriting and her accomplishing such a big girl project.

Spring has Arrived!

Sweet Little Girls
Playing Ball with Friends

Wearing Mommy's Glasses

7th Inning Stretch

Spring is here in Phoenix. It is my favorite time of year because you can be outside, wear shorts or jeans, and get a tan without having to be in a bathing suit. Baseball is another great part of Spring. Nate does a lot of work with the teams that travel to Phoenix, so there is never a shortage of Spring Training tickets in our house. Yesterday we went to our first game of the season, and Gianna's first game ever. We were so lucky to run into very dear friends of ours while we were there. We all had a great time.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Day at the Park

We were all terribly sick around here for last week. Today the weather was a perfect 85 and I figured it was finally time to get out of the house and head back to the park. It had been nearly two weeks since we had been and the girls were so excited. Here are a couple shots from this morning.

Thursday, February 5, 2009