Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

She just keeps surprising me!

The girls can usually be found these days at our kitchen table drawing pictures and using glue in a variety of ways. Today K came to my room and showed me a picture she'd drawn of our family. She has done many family pics before, but this one takes the cake. It seems like it started as just a pic of us girls, she even started to write my sister's name, Julie, but then changed it to Dad. I love that we are all smiling and obviously holding hands. I guess it is time to start teaching her some new words.

I can't forget my sweet little Gianna. While K was working hard on her picture, G did a huge portrait of her Daddy. She was sad she didn't know how to write his name, so she asked me to add it so it would look like K's. Very cute!