Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Crazy Birthday Present(s)

We have been thinking about getting a puppy for the kids, for about a few months now. We had ourselves convinced we would wait until Kailey was 4 or 5, but for some reason, we just couldn't drop it. I heard a story about 300 Beagles that were rescue from a puppy mill this week and 30 of them were going to be in our town for adoption. It got our minds working about, and trying to justify why we thought now was better than later to get one. I am home all the time right now, what a great birthday present to ask for, the kids always around, the weather is perfect to start training a puppy compared to the summer when it would be tough to get out, on and on, we are good at justifying something when we want it! While I did my Beagle research, I learned they were not the right breed for our already crazy house. The problem was, we already had convinced ourselves that we NEEDED a puppy.

I started looking at breeds and cross breeds that might work better with two small girls. While searching puppies in AZ, I came across of picture of a "Bicho-poo." It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen, plus no shedding or barking. Of course I jumped on Google and was sure this was the dog for us. We called the owner and said we wanted to come look at the black little puff ball. I fell in love on the spot, so did Gianna. We started talking to the man about the parents of the puppy and found out that their Bischon was the father and a black toy poodle was the mother. He went on to tell us that his Bischon also mated with King Charles Cavalier and he had a female "Cavachon." (I think these new dog names are really funny) He happen to have brought that dog with him. Of course we had to at least look at it. Nate and Kailey fell in love on the spot. It took us about 2 minutes to decide we couldn't split up this happy pair. They were born a week apart and had the same father.

We drove off with our two new puppies, completely unprepared to bring them home. I'll keep you posted on how it goes, but so far so good. They haven't made a peep, they adore the girls, they love to play ball and run, they really couldn't be cuter or sweeter.
This was the first time they met our cat. It actually went pretty well.
Holly and Fluff at the Park

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gianna at Gymnastics

On Tuesdays when Kailey is at school, Gianna and I go to her gymnastics class. She loves it. She is a good listener and has so much fun learning all of the skills her sister is working on. The two of them have enjoyed jumping and rolling quite a bit around our house.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Our Trip Finally Comes to an End

The next morning we all met for breakfast at the Hyatt. It was great to visit with the married couple and say goodbye to everyone that had travel to be there. We could not leave California without my girls meeting Cooper. He is my sister's dog, and according to Kailey her best friend. We had so much fun playing with him and taking him to the park. From Julie's we were off to the airport. The girls cried all the way until we pulled into our driveway at 10pm. They wanted to move in with Julie and have Cooper be their dog. We will definately have to do a similar trip again!

Anthony and Michele's Wedding

The main reason for this trip was to attend my cousin Anthony's wedding. Julie and I were bridesmaids and were so lucky to be part of this amazing day. The ceremony was preformed by my Uncle Joe, and so many old friends and tons of family were there. I am so glad the Wilkens crew was able to make the trip out.

The Groom and his brothers.
Again-300 people and the two that never leave the dance floor-Kailey and Gianna.

A Morning in Carmel

We woke up early and hit the beach. I couldn't believe how hot it was. Carmel Beach does not require leashes, so it is very popular with dog owners. The girls LOVED watching all the dogs and running with them all over the place. We met up with my girlfriend Kelly and her daughter Jenna while we were there. My kids could have stayed all day.

Rehearsal Dinner at Indian Village

My Family

Liz, Nate, Julie and John

The dinner was at Indian Village in Pebble Beach. It was about 8 miles down 17 Mile Drive. We were pretty much in a forest, but right now the drive way of course was the beach. We really got the best of both worlds being there. Trees and the Ocean!
Two things we just don't live by anymore. We were able to sneak away and watch the sunset.
When we got back, the band got started. The girls were roasting marshmallows and dancing up a storm. There were about 75 people there, but Kailey and Gianna dominated the dance floor.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monterey Aquarium

Straight from Napa we went to the Aquarium. My Mom, Sister, her boyfriend John, my Mom's friend Barbara and her grand daughter Jenna all went. Here is a peek at some of our fun.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Week In California - Napa First

My cousin just got married on Saturday in Monterey. We loaded our family up on a plane and spent the week visiting our friends and family in Napa and Monterey. We had an AMAZING time! I'll have to do a few posts because we really did such a variety of activites while we were there. Here we are on our way and in Napa and having breakfast in the morning with my nephew Tytan.........................................

As soon as we woke up friends and family started to arrive, we made a quick trip to the park with some dear friends and their kids.

Surfing with Aunt Pattie
Wine Tasting with the Payne's

So hard to say good bye! :(