Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Circus Comes to Town

Our little Ring Master
K and H with their Daddies

Loving her Cotton Candy!

We had the joy of taking the girls to the circus yesterday. I didn't get many good pictures because we were all so preoccupied by the show. Gianna's favorite part was the Ring Master because he was the boss, just like she claims to be. 24 hours later she is still wearing her Ring Master hat around our house. Kailey loved the animals. The tigers and elephants were great, but she also really liked watching the "ballerina princesses on the rope swings." The acrobats were pretty amazing! The circus started at 11, but opened the doors at 10 so you could walk around and see everything up close. Because we are NEVER late for anything we were there by 9:45 and were able to watch the elephants take baths before we went in. If I would have know the show wouldn't be over until 1:30, we might have taken our time getting there. 4 hours of the cirucus should last us all at least a year or two!

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