Today was Kailey's special day. It was so much fun. She has been excited for weeks and today it was finally here. I wanted to get her a bike SO bad, but she really has no interest. All she kept asking for was to go to the Zoo and to get a My Little Pony House. When she woke up this morning Nate and I gave her the pony house and she was thrilled. Then we got ready for her day at the zoo. Her Godmother Sara is here visiting so Gianna, Kailey, Sara and I started our morning at Starbucks and then met the girl's best friend Helena and her Mom at the World Wildlife Zoo.

After an amazing day at the Zoo we went to Red Robin to have lunch. The girls were all behaving great. Kailey even didn't mind when the servers sang her a crazy birthday song. 
Gianna was having a wonderful day, but she had a bit of a snag at the zoo. She fell and hit her knee. It didn't seem bad, but here we are 7 hours later and she hasn't stood up yet. The doctor said to keep it elevated and iced and if she can't walk in the morning to come see him. She is such a trooper. Here she is being our good little patient.

Finally Nate got home and it was Kailey's favorite part of the day. She got to blow her candles out on a piece of cake. Here we go..............................

A very Kailey moment.........I did get K the Pony House she wanted. It was actually a roller skating ring for the toys. She loved watching the ponies skate around all morning on her new toy. After we had cake tonight, Nate and I gave her another gift. A pair of roller skate for her. She was full of joy. She opened the package and kept saying "roller skates like the ponies." Well when we put them on her feet she freaked out and said, "those aren't for Kailey, roller skates are for ponies!" This is how she spent the night playing with her new skates.

Right before bed, she decided to put the skates on. She was all over the place. Nate had to hold on tight, but I have a feeling tomorrow the ponies won't get any more turns. She loves adventure and we are going to work on learning to skate.
Go Kailey!!!! Happy 3rd Birthday!