Friday, November 28, 2008

Thankful for Friends

Nate and I, our 14th Thanksgiving as a couple!
Joel and Katie did an amazing job with some great appetizers. We were so stuffed before dinner, which was fine with me, who wants turkey with there is a breaded cheese option!

This was Helena's brief appearance at the table, about a minute later she fell asleep and wasn't seen again for a couple hours.

Jared did a great job carving the turkey.

Nate was thrilled not to have the pressure on him this year.

The kids were so cute sitting at their own table.

Kailey was wearing the napkin "ring" on her finger. She was so excited
that dinner came with her own "jewels."

My Baby While Helena rested the girls decided to dress up and perform for us during dinner. Emily was so sweet with them. They loved getting the attention from an almost teenager. Thank You Helena for sharing your counsins with my girls! Thank you Abby and Emily for being so sweet!
Yeah! Helena wakes up and the girls are ready to party. Good, have fun jumping like monkies, we were ready for more wine and Rock Band!

Sadly the boys were just too good that night. Our girl team struggled to complete most songs, but we still had a blast. Thank You so much to the Flores Family for hosting a FABULOUS Thanksgiving Day!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Feasts With Friends

Party Time! This week we have already enjoy two huge Thanksgiving Feasts. One was with our MOMS Club and the other at Kailey's Preschool. It has been a great opportunity to teach the kids about Thanksgiving and show them the joys of food over the holidays. Here are some shots from the festivities.
Each of the classes made a separate dish to contribute to the meal. Kailey's class made the mashed potatoes. She told me she'd been "mashing" all morning. The Preschool director and her assistant made the turkey and homemade stuffing. It was all delicious! There were over 80 people in attendance. The school did such a great job. We even had place cards with our child's name on them and Thank You cards that the children had made us.

Kailey rarely takes a nap anymore, but after that meal and some bike riding with friends, she crashed on her playroom floor. I love how she is using the filthy rug as a blanket.

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Weekend With Aunt Julie

Nate went a big guys weekend trip to Tahoe, and I was so lucky that my sister happen to have booked a trip to come out and stay with me the same weekend. We had such a blast and went on several adventures.We started at the Phoenix Children's Museum
Followed by a morning of gymnastics. The girls are in the same class now, it is so nice. K is the first one in the black leotard and Gianna is two behind her in the ligh pink one with her arms out.

We took the puppies on a walk to the park

The last day we went to Anthem to feed the ducks and play at their huge park.

Thanks for coming Julie!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Here are my girls dressed and ready to go Trick or Treating. They made it to every house in our area that had their lights on. Luckily they have forgotten about all of the candy. They had a blast and went door to door with about 12 of their friends and a ton of photographing parents.