Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year's

This weekend it was raining so hard. Kailey and Nate loved playing in it, Gianna and I would rather stay inside. Here are a few shots. Gianna is above pouting and Kailey below is running ahead trying to jump in every puddle.

The girls love havinga babysitter. It doesn't happen often, but when it does they won't leave her side. When we were getting ready to go out we noticed the girls were so quiet, poor babysitter Kailee was sandwiched in between the two of them on the couch.
The girls got haircuts this week too. Kailey's looks short in the above picture, but it really isn't the shot with Kailee gives a better idea on the little trim she got. Gianna on the other hand had 4 inches cut. It is adorable on her. The picture below is a little crazy, but at least it shows the length.

1 comment:

M's playground said...

The picture of the girls sleeping is so precious. Love their haircuts too.